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Make the Inn your Home on the Island of Honey

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Chacara a aluguel temporada em Curitiba - PR

Endereço: Make the Inn your Home on the Island of Honey - Curitiba / PR

Quartos: 0. Suítes: 0. Banheiros: 0. Garagens: 0. Área Total: m². Área Construida: m². Taxa de condomínio: R$ 0,00. Valor de aluguel temporada: R$ 0,00.

Anunciante: Parceiro integrado. Telefones:

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Comentários do anunciante do imóvel

Ilha do Mel and its delights await you. The ecological paradise not have cars and motorcycles, only trails for walking or boating. Come and stay with us unforgettable moments of leisure and fun. The Orchid Inn is an inn characterized by its friendly atmosphere, surrounded by nature, located in the enchanted beach, the nearest town from the mainland, distant about 2.5 nautical miles from Pontal do paraná, Paraná coast, Brazil. The Orchid Inn is designed especially for you to enjoy a pleasant and welcoming the beauties of the island of honey. The natural beauty, beautiful beaches, the sights and history make the island one of the most beautiful places on the coast of Brazil. By coming to know the Ilha do Mel, do we question you as our guest. The Orchid Inn offers the following infrastructure: Cabins for up to three people (with fan, private bathroom and TV). Full House (private bathroom, air conditioning, television and refrigerator) for up to four people. In the morning, while you plan your itinerary for its beautiful beaches and sights of the island, enjoy the coffee made by the professionals of the Inn. For breakfast we offer a wide area where they serve a great variety of fruits, juices, among other delights for our guests begin the day in a healthy way and with great energy. The Inn has an exclusive restaurant that offers our customers some specialties such as grilled fish, shrimp in a pumpkin and a typical dish of the island called Lick Lick which is rice cooked with clams in the shell, plus portions, sandwiches, salads and other dishes. All this served in a pleasant environment surrounded by the beauty and tranquility of nature. Access to the island of honey can be done through the Spa Pontal do Sul, where the maritime shipping terminal bound for the island. A meeting place for beautiful people. Where islanders and tourists entering a lull of joy and relaxation. The island has great beaches for both swimming and surfing. Key Features Near Beach, Near Restaurants, Air Conditioning, Boating, TV, Refrigerator Amenities Air Conditioning, TV, Refrigerator, Garden View, Dining Table Seats, Dining Table, Private Bathroom, Patio Furniture Property View Garden View Attractions Near Beach, Near Restaurants, Boating, Walking Tours, Sightseeing Payment Policy Please contact the Owner for rates. (DKON-T37419)

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Mapa para Make the Inn your Home on the Island of Honey, Curitiba / PR

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